
Utah llc look up
Utah llc look up

utah llc look up
  1. Utah llc look up how to#
  2. Utah llc look up registration#
  3. Utah llc look up code#
  4. Utah llc look up free#

Utah llc look up how to#

See our article on how to change a name for an LLC in Utah. You can also extend your name reservation for an additional period.

utah llc look up

If you decide to change your mind after reserving your business name, you can cancel the reservation by submitting a written request to the Utah Division of Corporations. Your company name will be reserved for 120 days.

Utah llc look up code#

The Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code also offers a searchable database of business entities registered in Utah. You can also use Utah Trademark Records to find information about a business entity that trademarked its name in Utah.

Utah llc look up free#

The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) offers a free online search tool called Trademark Electronic Search System, where you can do a trademark search. It is essential to do a trademark search before selecting a name for your Utah business to ensure that the name is not already taken. Trademark SearchĪ Trademark is a phrase, word, symbol, or logo that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods or services. There is a $3 processing fee if you intend to use the executive name option. You can search by business name, entity number and executive name. The Secretary of State website offers a variety of search options to limit the results. Search Optionsīefore finalizing your preferred business name, verify if the name is still available by using these search options: 1. The search results will display the registered agent and contact information for each listed LLC.īy following these steps, you can conduct a Utah business search efficiently and obtain the necessary information for the desired LLCs. For example, searching for "ABC Productions" will yield results for both "ABC Productions, Inc." and "ABC Production Company, LLC." You don't need to include all words from the LLC name in the search. Similar or identical names to your specified term will be returned. To conduct a business entity search, follow these steps: This search tool allows you to enter the proposed LLC business name and see a list of all existing Utah LLCs. The Utah Secretary of State Division of Corporations is the state government office that oversees all existing business entities in Utah, and they offer a free online service where you can perform an LLC name search. You can find an LLC in Utah by conducting a business name search using the Secretary of State website.

  • You must comply with the Utah LLC naming regulations to have it approved, reserved and eventually registered.
  • You can verify if your desired business name is available by doing a trademark search, using search engines and visiting a county courthouse.
  • Go to the Secretary of State website and use the business entity search tool.
  • To look up an LLC in Utah, the most effective method would be to search by business name.
  • How to Change Registered Agent for an LLC.
  • Best Registered Agent Services Expand / Collapse.
  • ​Do I need a Registered Agent? What is a Registered Agent? Ogden Tax Service specializes in providing Registered Agent Services for companies wanting to do business in the State of Utah.
  • Utah llc look up registration#

    ​Where do I register a new business? One Stop Business Registration System.What do I call my company? You'll need to check to see if your company name is available.Check with the Utah State Licensing Board. What kind of Insurance do I need? Many licenses require specific types of liability insurance.Does my type of business require a special license? Certain types of companies need specific licenses.What is an Employers Identification Number (EIN).What is a Sole Proprietorship? What is a Corporation? What is an LLC? What is a Partnership? Decide what type of a company you want.What does the IRS state in regards to starting a business?.What does my company do? Does it sell a product? Does it provide a service? Identify what your business will do.

    Utah llc look up